How To Show A Gravatar
How to show a Gravatar image for your WordPress site. All you need to do is to create a Gravatar account and add an e-mail that matches the e-mail account you use on your self-hosted WordPress server.
The process is pretty simple:
1. Goto Gravatar.com by clicking here: www.gravatar.com.
2. Create an account with your email.
3. Reply to the confirmation email that gets sent to that email address
4. Choose a username and a password
5. Click to add a new image
6. Select an image and crop it accordingly
7. Select a rating for your image (i.e. G, PG, R, X)
8. You’re done!
Once you’ve completed these steps, whenever you make a comment or post a topic on a WordPress blog, the Gravatar associated with that email address will show up. Even though your email address will not be visible to people viewing your comment or post, only your Gravatar will be visible.
To set up your site in order to allow Gravatars on your WordPress site, go to Settings on your WordPress dashboard, and click on Discussion. At the bottom of the page is a section for Avatars. Within this section you can choose :
1. To display or not to be display avatars,
2. The maximum rating of avatars that you will allow
3. What will be your default avatar..
Show your gravatar on your individual WordPress posts anywhere you like.
Just put this code in to your single.php file or author.php file.
<?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_email(), $size = '80'); ?>
That’s All…