How do I update XAMPP without losing something in windows 10? Complete Solution.
Here is an easy to understand, step by step guide to upgrade XAMPP that actually works. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the process so you can get XAMPP up-to-date with minimal hassle – and without tearing your hair out. Why Update XAMPP? It may leave you wondering why you would bother to update […]
How to Show Only Parent Category list in your WordPress
I have been working on my client project with manipulating to show only parent category in footer section , so I’m just search in wordpress docs and google, but I have not found any good tutorial or example.
11 Simple Steps To Make Your WordPress Blog More Secure
WordPress blogs can be targets for hackers looking to take over for SEO, traffic-redirection and other purposes. Most bloggers aren’t aware of the threat posed by hackers and the blog owner may not even know that a successful attack has taken place.
Desinging Single.PHP
The following tutorial is about designing your own single.php page in wordpress theme. In WordPress theme, Single.php used to display the single post with the author information, comment and reply section.
Multiple Single.php File In WordPress
All posts on your WordPress site will be published using the single.php template. The single.php file is used when you click on the post title on the Home Page or Archive Page of the site, and you will see just the single post. In WordPress, we can use only one single.php. But sometimes we need […]
9 step to make your WordPress 3.0 more secure
Finally, WordPress has announced the launch of Version 3.0, “Thelonious”. You can also upgrade and secure your current site from your dashboard. WordPress site can be a target for hackers looking to take over for SEO, traffic-redirection and other purposes. Most bloggers aren’t aware of the threat posed by hackers and the blog owner may […]